Anyone know why this is happening? It happens fairly frequently when inserting dialog in my scores. Whether there are multiple lines, or just one line. This is in the Full Score layout. Both text boxes in this example are what you see: no empty return lines or anything. I feel like the second one is misbehaving by being so close to the staff. Yes I can move it manually but I’d rather not if I can set a different default or it’s a bug that can be squished. Thanks!
Are they using the same paragraph style?
Is there perhaps a carriage return at the end of the left one or at the beginning of the right one?
I tried this myself, adding multi-line text blocks in Times Roman, the first with only one boldface word, and the other with more lines and some boldface on every line … and the problem is not reproducing for me. I think we’ll have to inspect a cut-down version of your project to find out what’s going on.
No returns at the beginning or end of either. Same paragraph style.
Thanks for the effort! Here’s a cut-down version. Again, I have had this happen fairly frequently; it’s a musical and almost anytime I enter dialogue I have issues. Thanks so much for taking a look!
Text box problem.dorico (1.1 MB)
I’ve located the problem, although I don’t understand it:
At the end of the FISCHER line, replace the Return character.
There is something about that Return that’s confusing the line spacing calculation.
I can explain what’s going on here. Single- and multi-line text items are positioned differently: single-line items can be positioned away from the staff relative to their baseline (i.e. the bottom of the text, ignoring descenders), but multi-line items cannot, because we don’t have ready access to the baseline of the last line of text in a multi-line text item. Multi-line items are thus positioned relative to the bounding rect.
However, in this case, the check Dorico is using to determine whether the text item is single- or multi-line is failing, with the consequence that the text item is being measured correctly, but then positioned incorrectly. We’ll make sure this gets fixed.
Wow, you’re a genius. You’re actually my hero for going through with a fine-toothed comb like that. It must be some kind of artifact from pasting from a google doc. Thank you!!!
That would make sense! There are different types of line-end characters, but copying out of a text block in Dorico and pasting into a text editor loses the distinction.
Thank you, sir!! That’s really useful info. Mark_Johnson above found the source of the problem, which was that there was some sort of glitch in the text, an invisible problem with one of the line breaks. I think it must be something weird happening due to the formatting of the google doc I pasted it from. Deleted, and re-entering, that line break, fixes the issue. Now to just go through the rest of the show and fix every other instance!