Text replacement turned on only in Dorico can't type symbols

Anytime I try to use “@#$%^&*(” (basically any Shift + 2-9) it automatically text replaces with I-2, I-3, I-4. It only happens in Dorico and not sure how this got turned on. I looked in all the key commands and my mac’s keyboard shortcuts and nothing’s linked to those symbols. Any idea how to turn this off? It’s making typing # or any of the {@project@} short cuts difficult.

Unless my memory is exceedingly faulty, there’s no feature in Dorico itself that could be responsible for this. Please check your system for any text replacement features or utilities that may be enabled: even macOS has its own built-in features for this.

Also, jay, check which keyboard or keyboard language you have chosen. I sometimes forget to switch back from the Unicode keyboard…

Forgot I set a keyboard macro to imitate Finale’s add interval below using Shift+number. I didn’t realize it would also trigger while just typing instead of just in note entry mode. Thanks!