The default value of "Space size" for breaks (system & frame)

Dear Doricorians,

The default value of “Space size” for breaks (system & frame) is 1.75 mm when activating it.
I think it would be better if the default size is dynamically initialised according to one of the followings:

  • the “Space size” value of the last break
  • the “Space size” value defined in “Space size” in “Layout options”

How do others think about this?


It doesn’t matter what we think. We’ve already been told that it’s difficult for the properties panel to know what the current value is.

Ah, yes, I also have the problem sometimes.

For me, Dorico is the most convenient music engraving software, but sometimes I still wish a bit more convenience.
Man’s greed for convenience seems to be endless…

Actually this is something I requested a long while ago, and each time I find myself in the situation of changing staff size (big orchestral full scores, usually) I cannot help but think I really wish I did not have to wait for the extra ten seconds it takes for the score to change to 1.75 and then to the value I requested… And as I usually do that in two steps (entering the end of the staff size change with the actual value), these ten seconds are actually more like 20-30s… I really think it would be worth to have this kind of function, but I am quite confident that it will come in due time.

Ah…here’s one more fan of not having to wait 30s when flipping that switch.