The detect silence function still does not work properly.

I use this function very often, but it doesn’t work properly in version 13.
It was promised that this function will be fixed in the last update., but it didn’t happen.

Thank you.

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Hi and welcome to the forum,

Could you be more specific, please?

All segments below tresholt will be deleted. They should stay on the timeline. It was perfectly fine in nuendo 12 and earlier versions.

can you show this issue visually?

This is not a solution for me because I need the silent segments to be deleted. Even if you choose the Mute Silent Segments function, it does not work correctly either. There are also silent segments that should not be silent. Segments that are not silent should not be deleted, but left on the timeline.

Hi Jan,
In your example there was no silence detected based on your settings. There may be a bug there as it deleted the entire file. What happens when you choose a file where silence is detected?

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I watched the video now as well. As Wheels said, there’s no silence detected, you’ll have to adjust the threshold. But it is a bit strange behavior that the segment actually gets deleted when no silence is detected, that doesn’t make much sense.


If I choose more segments on 1 time, some segments where is no silence will be deleted as well and I need to each time add them back. These segments should not be deleted because they include dialogs, so is not silence in it.

If I have a project which incudes small segments without silence and I select part of the project (10 minutes with 400 segments) and some of them doesn’t include only silence) those will be also deleted. So I have to be very carreful to not select segments with dialogs and it is very time consuming of selecting. In version 12 I didn’t have such a problem. I have to have treshold set up very low to ensure that detect silence works properly and not delete more silence parts. It looks like bug.

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Hi all,
This bug exists since the first version of N13 . They tried to fix it with no results.Please try again :saluting_face:

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