The download assistant is updating forever

Why?It took 9999999billion centuries.
I downloaded the newest version from the site, but it is still updating after installed.
I can’t use the F***** software!

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Make sure there is no antivirus or firewall blocking the communication with the server, please.

I have he same problem and hoped to find a solution. After the original install, nothing was changed on the laptop, so I wonder whats going on here.

Laptop? wifi connection?

If wifi…and your wifi source is occasionally changed (ie hotspotting from different devices like I often do), I can tell you several reasons why download assistant will hang or not connect at all (“can not connect to server”). Took me a couple of weeks to figure it out.

If you’re using the same wired source each time or same wifi source, my info wouldn’t necessarily help…so I’ll not go into the steps atm :slight_smile:

Just to update: The connection was not the issue. Problem seems to be related to AntiVirus as mentioned above, but I need to fully stop every anti-vir stuff I had on. With other software it was enough to suspend the online-checker.

I actually urge you to function correctly with the antivir-on, as there is the danger to forget to put it back on. Thanks!