I have problems importing my file, this is the information of the file:
and this is my project
But when I import the file the speed is changed the tempo is faster and has some icons at the end of the file, the note and the wave
I have problems importing my file, this is the information of the file:
Make sure, the Sample Rate of the file mathes the Project’s Sample Rate. If this is not the case, ensure, the Audio file is going to be resampled, during the import. You can enable this up in the Import Options dialog.
the sample rate is the same as we can see in the images, and I can’t select the option to make it the same, I guess is because is already the same but I dont understand why is getting changed to another anyways
I see, now. Disable the Musical Mode.
I understand, that this is the solution.But I need the explanation why.
(always struggled to understand rhe impact of toggling musical mode)
The file has a tempo of 90bpm written to it.
With musical mode selected it imports at project tempo which is presumably faster than 90bpm.
Thank you so much, that’s it!
If I am not mistaken - that would imply that the tempo of 90 bpm written into the file was not correct in the first place, right?
Otherwise, the file would have been correctly adapted to the project’s tempo as Musical Timebase and Musical Mode were activated.
I guess you are right but is a file that someone send me and I am not sure of this. But I guess you are right!
Where do I activate what?
One on the track. And the other?
The Musical Time Base is defined at the track level : it is visible as a button with either a note or a chronometer on it in the track header/inspector.
The Musical Mode is set at a clip level, in the Pool window.
Thanks, @cubic13
You can find it also in the Info Line.
Whenever in doubt how Musical/Linear Timebase and Musical Mode On/Off interact: @raino provided an excellent summary with a cross table here
How Musical Mode and Linear/Musical Timebase Interact Timebase - Applies to an entire Track. A Track’s Timebase determines if Events on the Track have their START Location measured in Bars & Beats or Minutes & Seconds Musical Timebase - Start is measured in Beats Linear Timebase - Start is measured in Seconds Musical Mode - Applies to an entire Audio File and will impact all Events created from that file throughout the entire Project. A File’s Musical Mode determines if an Event’s LENGTH i…
Indeed, but I never use the Info Line…
Haha, the very same here. I almost forgot that it is there. That is why @Martin.Jirsak got a well deserved
That is why @Martin.Jirsak got a well deserved