Hi @William_Ren, go to Layout Options > Page Setup > Page Numbers and set Initial page number to 2
Also: you have many page overrides (the red triangles). I would suggest to remove them (with right click), and make your changes editing the Page Templates for those pages, instead of editing things directly on the Layout. So your pages will follow the templates, and you avoid unexpected behaviour.
A general suggestion: use page overrides (=editing the layout directly, loosing so the connection of the page with the page template) only when you know exactly what you are doing, and when you cannot obtain the desired result in other ways)
Thank you very much!
Hi William, why does it matter, whether the first page is on the right or on the left? Are you printing a booklet of your score or part? If yes, then you would need to have your first page on the top of the first sheet of paper - and the second page on the back of it.
May be to ensure that the page numbers are correctly positioned in relation to the page?
… in which case page 1 should be to the right.
I agree.