The future of the Score Editor

Yeah I do. It’s all speculation of course. But it is informed by having worked along side tech developers in a previous life and seeing how their planning works. And also trying to read between the lines on what the developers are saying. Looking at Daniel’s posts its clear he has a huge list of work for things to be incorporated into the first few versions. Steinberg wouldn’t expend the resources they have to replace Cubase’s Score Editor. That investment only makes sense if they are aiming to become the dominant professional scoring application. That’s job #1. Integration with Cubase only becomes viable once Dorico is an established product - and remember it is entering a market with two very entrenched competitors. A general intention to eventually integrate Dorico into Cubase seems likely, but anything more detailed would be putting the cart before the horse.

Steinberg is unlikely to even hint about integration until they know Dorico is a successful product.

If I were to guess (i.e. make something up) I think it will go down like this.
Dorico gets released and obtains a decent market share.
Several new versions are released with improvements.
A low cost lite version gets released.
After the lite version becomes established it gets integrated into Cubase.