The New MIDI Remote is

  1. MIDI is really a poor idea this days. A socket interface please.
  2. It does not have interaction with all functions. You need feed back from EVERY command you can send, and a way to poll it’s current status.
  3. Channels section is hilarious. You can have ONE and it is not defined what selected channel it is. It seems to be the first from a counted from project order. Your mixer view handle multiple sections, your API does not. And a lot of functions is done with multiple sections. It should have been a SET within the API from the first place.
  4. The information is not typed. It will be a problem in the future, we can not have a proper compile time check that there is no incompatible changes, or we have a API that can not remove object properties. (EVER!) (Like change the selected channel to a list of channels. You then need to have both, instead of having the “old” selected channels to be channels.first() or something. (ok, I have a bias, I dont like javascript)

I also send a bug report, that is not even commented about interaction with remote controllers and transports. It is a not a new bug, it is the same problem as with GR.

One way to get a round this bug is to have some popper feedback from cubase so the controller can retry to set intended transport action.