The Pre-count unreliable haven't been fixed!

—> [BON-6757]-Pre-count unreliable issue in 8.0.10 maintenance update has not been fixed entirely.

I have still the same issue sometimes that I missing the first beat during recording. …2-3-4-…1-2-3-4…
I have my Pre-count set to one bar.

Best Regards

Have the same issue here again on 8.0.10. First click dropes out almost everytime

And confirmed on a new Windows 8.1x64 DELL laptop too. Why moved to Misc?
I have read from more users here that have the same issues like we do. So its not only us two.

Hint to Steinberg: As long your project use only audio tracks = zero issue. As soon you add and have VSTI it happens sometimes.

Best Regards