I think the score from musescore looks better… When I load the score from dorico, it is displayed differently. Is there a way to fix it?
It’s an XML file.
I think the score from musescore looks better… When I load the score from dorico, it is displayed differently. Is there a way to fix it?
It’s an XML file.
FWIW, I thinks it looks “better” in Dorico…
Can I still see it like musesocre?
Where do I set this option?
To be honest, it looks pretty terrible in MuseScore, too.
It looks like a MIDI file that has been converted to XML, with no thought for the notation.
Your first issue is putting the correct clefs at the start – should this be a piano instrument, rather than two separate instrument staves?
Then you need to work out which notes belong to which staves, and whether there are any polyphonic lines, e.g. two voices on the same staff.
I would try to find a real score of this piece and correct the notation from there, if there is one.
I remember there being some box option that allowed you to edit the score. What was it?
You can edit the score in Write mode. There’s no option to edit the score, or not. What do you want to do it?
Are you talking about the options for XML import in Dorico Preferences?
@Madonna2025 May I ask why you would want to work with this particular score? I took the time to listen to it at MuseScore and did some research on the tune’s origins, and frankly speaking, there are much better versions to work with in my opinion.
The score you posted looks like the typical mess that scorewriters tend to display if they are fed with raw MIDI data lacking any assisting structure. If it’s just the tune you’re aiming at, look for “Kahoot lobby theme”.