There are many errors when downloading an xml file and loading it into diroco

I downloaded the score from musescore as XLM and imported it into dorico,
but the score is strange
How can I fix this part so that it can be imported properly?
Or is it impossible?

What options do you use? (61.5 KB)

If I import the file into MuseScore, and then export it again, then the file comes in to Dorico a lot better. It will still need some work, though.
Pretty much everything from bar 40 can be deleted and will need to be re-entered.

Even Finale flags errors at the original XML.

FILELiszt_-_Trois_Etudes_de_Concert_No._3_Un_Sospiro.dorico (937.3 KB)

If you are just learning Dorico, Iā€™d suggest getting a decent copy of the original score, and try to create it from scratch. That would be easier, in many ways.

Welcome to the forum @finale3311


benwiggy Hello

Are you talking about this program?
[MuseScore Studio 64-bit without Muse

My point was that the file itself is garbage, whichever app you use.

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