
In bar 16, I need a 3 on top and a 9 under it. This doesn’t seem to work with the compound-simple interval conversion. Very annoying with these restrictions. It seems thoroughbass is treated as chords, while it historically often rather was a linear way to notate. Inversion of intervals is essential in contrapuntal thoroughbass. I’d be very happy of Dorico could fix this in the next update.

Has anyone found any workarounds for this?

It’s not a workaround, but - if I am right - you can enter the “3” as “11” (=8+3) and change a property to get it displayed correctly.

[edit] sorry, I was wrong, it’s of course enter the “3” as “10” (=7+3) and change a property…

[2nd edit] please see workarounds further down.

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Wouldn’t that have to be a 10? (Compound 3 = (8-1) (since a unison is 1, not 0) + 3 = 10)

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That won’t work if he wants the 9 as well.

I think you’d have to fake this with text for the time being.

My GoFigure font doesn’t include this combination, but I dare say I could add it.

Some composers write 3, some write x, some write 10. But since I am doing critical editions, I don’t want to invert what is written, and I would prefer not to change any figures either.

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Thank You!
Ok, I wish I could explain to the technicians (musicians) working at Dorico what would be needed to get some more flexibility to make these things work better in Dorico.

I understand and appreciate all of that, @pvt. My question was not meant to be a challenge of your goals, but was directed to @k_b, wondering why it would be “11” and not “10” to then be reduced to the “3” that you want to see. (Full disclosure: I am utterly ignorant of the intricacies of Dorico’s figured bass functions and available modifications; it doesn’t happen to be a part of my work.)

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You can certainly explain what you need from figured bass – I’m sure the tool isn’t finished, and more improvements will be added.

Can you let me know if there are any other likely ‘inversion’ figures that you might need, to avoid more revisions of the font?

this is from your tutorial, part II

Figured Bass

The original tutorial on figured bass pointed out some limitations in the initial implementation: there were no numbers greater than 9, and no brackets. Figures now go up to 19, and there’s also property to display ‘simple’ values of numbers above 8, e.g. 10 as 3. This allows you to stack figures in a different order. By default, figures are stacked from highest to lowest. Enter 10,8, and then display it in ‘reduced’ form, and you get 3 above 8.

Figured bass simplified

Yes, but you can’t do 10 on the top (as 3), with 9 on the bottom.


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Ben, do You know if ‘Figurato’ might be of any help for me in this case?

My first suggestion does not work - as explained, we can’t have the 10 displayed as compound 3 over a 9.

The only workaround, yes a graphical workaround: input the 9 and input the 3 on the next beat. Then in Engrave Mode drag the 3 over the 9.
Grr, these workarounds are not nice, even if they look fine…
example 3 over 9

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Naive question: would entering them as lyrics above the staff using a font like @dan_kreider’s MusAnalysis do any good?

Sadly, Figurato doesn’t play well with Dorico since Dorico v4.1, when Lyrics became Paragraph Styles, and Florian hasn’t updated it.

I’ve added the figure to my GoFigure font – as said, let me know if there are any likely other such inversions that you might need, and I can supply a new version here for you.


As a feature request for Dorico’s
Note Input Options->Figured Bass->Follow input literally.
If this could somehow be extended to also display these above combinations - not as compound but as “literally literally”.
May be extend the Shift-G Popover’s recognition with another variable, like $ (next to the ! for literal input).

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Excellent proposal, k_b!
Many thanks to all of You for your engagement in this question! Cheers! /Peter

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Peter, here’s an updated version of GoFigure, which now includes 3 over 9.

Note that when you use GF as a text font, for lyrics, it is designed to work well at 12pt; and when you use it as a SMuFL font, for actual Figured Bass, it is designed to work at 20pt – and everything will look the same size!

GoFigure (91.7 KB)


This is a fantastic service to the community, Ben. Lately I have been wishing to do figures as just text again (like Sibelius), without them being references to actual pitches. What’s the point in “transposing” figures if their appearance doesn’t change?

Fantastic Ben!!
Many, many thanks for this!