Hi everyone,
I have three questions I hope you can help me with:
- A/B Test Issue: I’ve duplicated a track twice for an A/B test. The original track is centered, while the duplicates are panned slightly left and right. The problem is, when I try to mute one track, all three mute together (instead of isolating just one). I can only solo individual tracks using the ‘M’ (mute) button. Is there a way to fix this so I can mute tracks individually?
- Track Names: Is it possible to display the actual instrument name in the track view (e.g., “Violas”) instead of something generic like “Audio 44.1” or other default names? Ideally, I’d like the track names to reflect what’s in the info line (in this case it’s only written “Violas”).
- Stereo Imbalance: One side of the stereo signal is noticeably louder than the other. Is there a plugin you’d recommend to balance the signal evenly across both channels? Also, do you think it’s necessary to correct this, or could it be a creative choice worth keeping?
Thanks in advance for your help!
You have the Group Editing enabled in the parent Folder. Try to disable it.
How is the routing? Do you Mute the track or the Audio Event?
Are you talking about the Track names (you can name then freely) or the Audio Event names (you can set the Description in the Info Line)?
You can use the panner.
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The parent folder track has “group editing” activated. Thus all events within the folder will be treated simultaneously. Switch it off and you’ll be able to individually mute events.
The track names are the names on the left side in the track list. I assume you refer to the event names. Audio events always display the name of the referenced audio clip first, then the event name afterwards by default.
You can change that in the Preferences dialog (PC: Edit menu, Mac: Cubase menu). Go to section Event Display → Audio and there look for the option “Append Clip Name to Event Name”.
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Thanks to you both, issues solved.
Quick question out of curiosity:
When I enable “Group Editing” on a folder track and then I click on an event, only some of the audio tracks in that group get highlighted. However, if I go to Edit > Group, all of the tracks are highlighted with the three-dot symbol. Shouldn’t both methods achieve the same result?
The Folder’s Group Editing affects only Audio Events, which are in sync (the Start and the End values).
The main use case is: You record Drums and you want to edit all the mics at once.