Hello Doricans, I am sure this is a simple thing but it is one of those things I would not even begin to know how to ask. But is there a way to make a tie that comes from nothing, pace this picture?
Do you mean l.v. ties?
I do but at the beginning of a note, and here, in the beginning of a document
You can move them in Engrave mode, Properties (bottom) panel
To elaborate on @arco’s answers:
Click on the blue-coloured link “l.v. ties” in the first answer from @arco. In your browser it will open a page in the online Dorico manual. Scroll down a little and look for Laissez vibrer ties".
You will need to input one on the note (select the note and look in Properties for l.v. tie), and then move (and maybe stretch) it in Engrave mode so that it faces backwards instead of forwards.
Dorico does not (yet) natively support a tie from nothing to a note.