Tie with Articulation

I would like to add a marcato mark in the midst of a tie (and please no debates about what this is or if the notation is meaningful–not my piece).
Any help?

Daniel, in this case I would use a slur instead of the tie - and adjust its appearance.


Another approach is to enter the second note in another voice, add the articulations, etc., then select all three notes and tie them.


You could do it as a playing technique (it doesn’t play back properly though).

MarcatoAnywhere.dorico (467.9 KB)

I think you have a duty to educate your client and advise against this nonsense.

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Since it’s a tremolo’ed note, it doesn’t really make sense to have it tied… but well, who pays has the last say on this.


I don’t agree that this is nonsensical notation. Without the tie, a player might be tempted to separate the notes with a small gap. Here, the intention is clearly that there’s just a strong accent in a continous tremolo stream. The player should continue tremolo’ing preparing the accent. In practice, this may result in a very short crescendo before the accent.
Some composers indicate this with dashed ties, as it’s not technically one bow, of course. I think Gould also suggests this.