This is happening only galley view.
Screenshots are intriguing, but not very informative. If you want some answers, please post a cut-down project.
Ug, I can’t do a cutdown project. When I delete bars it fixes the problem, if i add a bar it also fixes it but when I delete the new empty bar the problem comes back
Well add an empty bar and make it a new flow ig
You could try narrowing it down to which bars make the difference.
Or just post the whole thing – We won’t steal any of it.
Or, if you are worried about confidentiality, replace the musical content with other notes (any old rubbish - it doesn’t have to make musical sense), and leave the “structure” (bars and time signatures) as it is.
@aural_sandpaper, I have the original score for Cats if you want some material for inspiration.
In general cosmetic issues in galley view aren’t too worrying: Dorico splits the music up into arbitrary chunks, like mini-systems, when it spaces and draws the music in galley view, and sometimes at the boundaries between these mini-systems, funny things can happen. The effects can also be unstable because the way the music is chunked into mini-systems will depend on the musical content itself. Provided you don’t see any issue like this in page view, I wouldn’t fret unduly, but we can investigate further if you provide us with a project that reproduces the problem.
Further to the advice above, you could use a random collection of the musical manipulation tools to scramble the music before you post the project here if you wish.
Ah, yes – example: Sometimes I have seen collisions of lyrics in galley view, and I soon discovered that they occurred at the system breaks in page view. So that made sense.
sorry it’s late. If I change stuff near the time signature it fixes itself but when I try to go back to what I have (without using command z) it goes back to this but only in galley view. It seems to happen when I change time signatures.
Hand Holding Gesture forum.dorico (1.1 MB)