Time Signature questions

I have a template that will be used for multiple cues with midi files. I want the Time Signature to Show on the Bari Sax, not the violins. Is this possible at the moment?

Hi @bmoriak,

do you mean like this?

You can have this changing this Layout Option:

And resave the template (eventually with another name, to have this setting, when you next time use the template).

no i mean like this

I see, @bmoriak

the only way that I found to obtain this easily is to use the Small ensemble bracketing (you can then set manual sub-brackets in Engrave mode if desired), and the other Options as in the following screenshots:

Adjust the scale factor as desired for all three values (in case the empty staves are hidden, then the according set values will be used, accordingly to the amount of visible staves), and set the Vertical alignment to Top:



It is possible to keep the existing brackets and have the large time signatures descend from the Bari Sax staff:

Here is the project:
Time Signature questions.dorico (556.7 KB)

Unusual things to notice:

  • The settings in Library > Engraving Options > Time Signatures.
  • The modification to Time signature 4 (large) in Library > Music Symbols.
  • Independent time signatures for the Violin staff with their Color property in the Full score set to transparent.

Ha! This is a neat workaround for sure but would not work if you had to change every time signature for every cue in a film

How were you able to get the independent time sig without ruining the others? I get this

Hold down the alt/option key when entering the time signature.


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I get the above screenshot when i do that.

I suppose you want another time signature, so just add 4/4 or 3/4 or whatever you want with the alt/opt key. You already have a local time signature now. It turns orange without the other ones turning orange when selected. It’s just that it’s the same time signature as the others.


Please see the conversation above. I am asking how Johnkprice achieved it without messing up the look of the global time signature

To be honest, I don’t know how you managed to get what looks like an independent 5/4 time signature on every staff. What happens if you select the 5/4 time signatures on the top three staves and press Backspace or Delete?

When you want to add an independent time signature to the Violin staff, be sure to start by selecting the first note or rest in the measure on that staff where the independent time signature should go. Don’t select the existing global time signature.

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it seems re-inputting the global time signature before putting in the independent one worked

A post was split to a new topic: Show beat grouping after time signature