I don’t know if you can make Essay lyrics for a jazz song only with the essay lyrics “A” “B” “B” “C”. And the other issue is to hide a compass to be able to insert text between the white space. Forgive my ignorance. I don’t know if I’m expressing myself well because of my difficulty in English. Thank you for your patience.
Unfortunately what you have written does not make much sense to me, but hopefully some will be able to help. The other thing is, although this forum is in English, you could type this in your language for someone here who knows your language to interpret for us. Just a thought.
(Spanish, is this correct?)
This might be relevant
Inputting text items
Rehearsal marks
…or use Google Translate or DeepL to translate from your language.
I don’t understand either, but, being Spanish speaker and trying to understand the translation, I would guess with essay you intended to say “ensayo” and in this context instead of essay it is maybe rehearsal. ¿Maybe you mean “rehearsal marks A, B, B, C”?
The second part, about the compass, Manuel means a bar, but am not sure if he is meaning the whole bar or just the vertical separation.
Gracias a todos por vuestra contestación. ¿Se puede en Dorico ocultar un compás para un espacio en blanco ( Lineas de pentagrama ect…) para insertar un texto?. La otra pregunta sobre las letras de ensayo es que solamente tengo que poner A,B, A C. Es un encargo de una partitura de Jazz parecido al formato estándar de Jazz. Al introducir las letras de ensayo se colocan por orden Alfabético, como es normal. Supongo que se tenga que indicar las letras de ensayo con texto en este tipo de partitura no muy común. Gracias por la paciencia y vuestro tiempo.
In order to get the rehearsal marks A - B - A - C, open Properties Panel → Rehearsal Marks and set ->Index for the third letter to “1” to get A, and set Index for the fourth letter to “3” to get C.
Although I mentioned replying in your language because we could not understand your question, as @asherber mentioned, please use a translation service to English, otherwise each of us have to translate it for ourselves before we know if we can answer.
(We are all aware, translation processes can misinterpret which is why I asked for your original question to be in Spanish as I knew we have Spanish speakers here to help, but in general English please.)
Muchísimas gracias por tu ayuda y Tiempo.
Es verdad que será mucho mejor expresarme en Español. Muchísimas gracias por tu consejo y Ayuda.
Magnifico la ayuda y el video.
Gracias por la paciencia y consejo.
I may have misunderstood your question, but if it is your intention to put some text in the white space before the coda, you should go to Engraving Options > Repeat Markers > Repeat Sections and set the “Default gap before mid-system coda section” to a higher value in order to create extra white space.
Manuel, pero arco te está pidiendo que por favor también incluyas una traducción de tu texto, usando algún servicio de traducción. De otro modo, cada uno se ve obligado a traducir primero.
(Manuel, but arco is asking you to please also include a translation of your text, using a translation service. Otherwise, everyone is forced to translate first.)
Link to DeepL to translate for anyone.
If it is in English we can help you with your questions easier.
Thank you very much for the help. Magnificent
Thanks for the advice. Very interesting.
I have not been able to answer. Thanks for your time and help…
I have learned a lot. Thanks for everything.
Learning from this great group. Much obliged.