Tip: use of scrollLock as Keyboard shortcut

I wanted to share this very fine discovery

You can use the ScrollLock key in D3 the same way you would use ctrl; Alt shift etc
Some examples of key shortcuts I just set in D3

Change voice to Up-Stem voice 1 SCROLL LOCK + V + U
Change voice to Down-Stem voice 1 SCROLL LOCK + V + D
Change voice to Up-Stem Slashed voice 1 SCROLL LOCK + S + U
Change voice to Down-Stem Slashed voice 1 SCROLL LOCK + S + D

For streamdeck you need to use the SupeMacro plugIn streamdeck-supermacro/README.md at master · BarRaider/streamdeck-supermacro · GitHub
and enter


for example 1


Dear Claude,
I did not know about this SuperMacro plug-in, it looks as a very powerful tool… When I get the time, I might plunge into this, thank you very much !

The last time I checked, Supermacro was Windows only…

As indeed is Scroll Lock!

Ah, ok Leo, I did not notice that ! Thanks