Modernization of vintage non-smart menus in this program

I wonder if Reaper also has the problem with .xmls losing new data if a crash or improper shutdown occurs, that has created some headaches - the .xml system will only retain data changes if the program properly shut downs, otherwise it reverts to the info stored at the point of the last proper shutdown as i bring up here
Big problem with this .xml system, is crashing = lost data, settings, etc. Why is there no backup? - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

regardless of .xml vs individual presets files… You’d think they could code the program to be able to interpret the .xml files in a number of ways… Alphabetize does work with macros if you close and re-open in the key commands window (or create a new macro), so some functionality can occur with the program reading .xmls. The downside seems to be having it done in real time, and or, the devs have to code this in each specific instance instead of using a recurring bit of file database and preset container code.

In this context of Controller Lane Setup, even a floating pop up window would be great - I would even factor that into my workspaces because then changing controller lane setups could be very quick on the fly.