Why is my Title changing after engrave mode edit?
I’m sorry, Ricardo, I’m not sure what the problem is. In the page template you are using the {@projectTitle@}
token, and when you then leave the page template editor, that token is substituted with the value of the Project title field in File > Project Info. It looks as I would expect it to look.
It is centered in green box in engrave mode. Back out of engrave mode it is not centered in green box. It has a space below title.
Thank you
Are you sure your Title hasn’t a blank line at the end?
No extra space.
Same problem on this one too.
For some reason, it will not stay on one line. It gets thrown down another line.
Thank you!
Can you post a cut-down version of your project here?
Here you go
The Explorer and the Golden Compass copy.dorico (782.5 KB)
In the project title field, I can see that there’s an extra space after your title:
If I copy your title and paste it into something like Notepad++ that can show hidden characters, I can see that it’s a carriage return/line feed pair:
If I delete this space in Project Info, then your page header displays as you want.
Sorry, I apologize.