Toggle and deleting notes without using a mouse?

Hello all,
Hello all and happy summer,
I have gone to the forums,on manual and YouTube and did not find my answer and I do apologize if I missed this topic.

situation: deleting notes. I know how to mouseclick and select a note to delete – however my question is; can I toggle between notes then selecting a note to delete? As of now I DELETE A NOTE, BUT CAN’T KEEP TOGGLING?

As of now, I have found that I can toggle between notes, but once I press delete – that note is gone but I no longer can toggle. (ORANGE NOTE IS GONE) As a result, I have to do more mouse clicking which I prefer not to do. Hopefully I’m clear and if you’re in the US happy Fourth of July. And happy summer to everyone else! :smiley:
PS… SOME MIGHT ASK WHY DO I HAVE TO DELETE SO MANY NOTE IN THE FIRST PLACE? Well – I do a lot of copy and pasting and arranging as a music teacher. Some students have range issues and need to “re-tweaked – notes, phrases etc.” also, when composing I like to try different harmonic ideas :slight_smile:

Rather than single notes with the mouse, why not delete notes in input mode, with the caret?
Basically you just double-click on the stave you want to edit, then hit delete. The note immediately before the caret will be removed (as long as you’re in the correct voice) and you can then move the caret left and right or even up and down across multiple staves, using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

k, this a bit closer what I am used to, but not getting it…
will try it for another 5min

I know you are interested in not using the mouse…

But in the interest of pointing out some time saving techniques you may not be aware of:

If your goal is to delete several notes at once, you can just draw a marquee selection around the notes and press delete. (This obviously requires the mouse). Or, if you have a note already selected, pressing Shift and right or left arrow will select additional notes in the desired direction, allowing them to be selected before deleting. Using control-shift arrows will select by a larger amount (by bars/measures). If you have discontiguous notes in need a deletion, you can control-click as many as necessary in preparation for the deletion (again requires use of mouse).

Clicking once in a measure (a blank part of the measure, not a note) and shift-clicking another measure will select all notes in the connected measures (even if they are on different staves, which will select all the contained staves’ notes), allowing a quick deletion of the selected notes. You will see all selected notes change color to orange, which you can double check before deleting. And remember that if you select contiguous notes upstream or downstream, but have some intervening notes you don’t want selected for deletion, you can use the control-click method to click on those you don’t want selected (they will turn black). On a Mac computer, use the command key in place of control. All of these ideas uses the concept of doing a mass delete rather than deleting several notes one-by-one to save time.

Also - if your goal is to re-write some notes to try different harmonic ideas, as you say, are you aware that you can simply position the cursor on a note, get into note entry mode, and just “type over” the current pitch with a different one? This will keep the note’s duration (which presumably is desired), and simply overwrite with the new pitch, and also has the benefit of advancing to the next note automatically, ready for another tweak if desired.

QUICK QUESTION to anyone out there in forum land… has anything changed with Dorico Pro 2 regarding what I wrote in the last paragraph? It seems that we don’t have to use L to lock durations to retain them (which used to be the case)! Am I missing something?

musicmaven: you do indeed need to use Lock Duration if you want to advance to the next note. What you say is only true if all of the notes have the same duration as the first!

jjvibes: It is intended that Dorico should always leave something selected when you delete something, but unfortunately this isn’t bulletproof and it is often the case that you will end up with nothing selected after something has been deleted. This is definitely something we intend to improve.