Toggle staff ruler visibility?

In this link:
John mentions that the “key to the left of Z or right of the left shift-key” can toggle the staff rulers.
Now, my keyboard is a Danish layout but I still have a key like that. Is is the left and right “hairpin”-sign:

I’ve searched for US and UK layouts to find what glyph those keys output, but none of the corresponding ones react (either of the three ticks nor the tilde). What’s stranger is: the key commands preferences doesn’t respond to the ticks, so I couldn’t try to program them to see where the conflict was.

Can anyone tell what the function is called, so I can look for it? Is it only Danish keyboards that are affected by this?

I don’t know how the keys are programmed from Dorico’s side, but as much as accidentals and articulations probably make sense on US/UK layouts, they are far away from each other on mine (had to re-program them, of course. It’s no big deal, but I’ve never encountered this in other software).

The function is called Hide invisibles and – at least – on a UK and US keyboard layout it’s the backtick (`) key.

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Thanks! It was set to the backtick as well, but no tick key did anything. Now, I’ve mapped it to the “key to the left of Z or right of the left shift-key” :slight_smile:

On my US keyboard it is the backslash key located above the Enter key and below the backspace key. (Windows 10, logitech keyboard). The back tick located to the left of the 1 & ! key doesn’t do anything. (Of course, for me pressing Enter never does note entry, editing pop overs or anything mentioned in the manual that Enter should do).


Sorry, I should have mentioned that I’m on Mac (US layout) and the keyboard screenshot shows also an Apple keyboard.

No problem. I just mentioned it in case anyone else had a similar keyboard setup.