Tool modifiers in Variaudio...

I’m one of those faithful users (since VST32) and you guys are coming out with great improvements in the ‘big scale’ of things. My suggestion is on the ‘little scale’.

I’m a big fan of ‘Tool Modifiers’. These modifiers really help move editing to a faster pace. The big one (default) is the ‘cursor to split tool’ by holding down Alt. Real cool feature, but it only works in the project window…I think.

I use Variaudio for some basic pitching (nothing to complex. As a previous ranter pointed out, it needs a facelift. I have to use Melodyne for big problems). One of the most common moves while in Variaudio, is the make a few cuts here and there on a vocal line to separate pitches. In order to do this, you have to hit the Tab key, use the split tool, then hit the Tab key again and move the pitch. When you’re doing a lot of vocal tracks, this adds up to a huge amount of time. Pressing the Alt key to make the cut (like in the project window) would make so much more sense for speedy workflow.

Keeping in mind that it could already be there, I would be grateful if someone could tell me how this is done. If not, it would be a cool ‘little scale’ feature.