Top left corner

How do you input the instrument in the top left corner of the cover page?

For part layouts, by default Dorico uses the Default Part page template set, which you can see in Engrave mode. And the First page template includes a text frame which has the token {@layoutName@}. This will display the name of each layout that uses this page template set.

Your OP says “cover page”. If you are designing a new page template to actually use as a cover page (e.g., a RH page with text, and the music begins on the next LH page), then you can add a text frame to this new template and insert the {@layoutName@} token yourself.

What I’m looking for is to create an instrument text like…
Bass Clarinet
(Dbl Bassoon)
in the upper left corner of the title page.

Did you give this a try?

If you have a player holding a bass clarinet and a bassoon, by default the layout name will be “Bass Clarinet & Bassoon”, and that’s what the default {@layoutName@} token will display.

If you want to change this, you can rename the layout to whatever you want, in Setup mode. You can’t enter a carriage return directly in the layout name field, but you can enter the two lines in a text editor, or in a place like the “Other Information” field in the Project Info dialog, and then copy and paste into the layout name.

You could also change the {@layoutName@} token in the template to {@stafflabelsfull@}, which will give you a comma-separated list of the staff labels for the layout – essentially, the instrument names. (In this case, it would look like “Bass Clarinet, Bassoon”.)

And of course you can always edit the text frame in a particular layout directly and make it say whatever you want. If you do this, it should be one of the last things you do, because once you make that change you’ll have a a page override, and that page will no longer respond to template changes.