top task bar disappeared

Next step of my Dorico learning curve, is trying to create a score for a jazz arrangement, I’ve been fighting several things, the last one being that the top task bar is now gone, the one in which Dorico mode (setup, write, etc…) are selected. also the one containg the playback transport buttons.

What did I do wrong to end up in that situation ? and how to get that task bar back so I can continue working on this score …

One thing I can say is while Dorico is incredibly flexible and offers a lot of options, beginners are having a hard time to find out which are available , where and how to activate a specific option

The reason is that options settings are spread over several windows and also organized according to modes or even other things (layout for instance). I understand it has been attempted to improve over the Sibelius approach to option setting !! I should also say that once one arrives at a specfic settings, the displayed info helps a lot to understand what the options does exactly and that’s great.

But it would be great to have several ways to reach a given option setting, or to help arriving quickly where to access a setting. My current approach is to search within the online help system but unfortunately this is a time wasting approach, notably because of the need to scan the many proposed search results, and unfortunately sometimes no clear answer is obtained. And of course, an Internet access is needed which isn’t alwys the case

May be something like a Dorico window (not online !) displaying all oossible options (hierarchically and intelligently organized and searchable by a text query) so one can click in it to reach the proper setting place.

I remember being a bit flummoxed one time when I couldn’t find a setting I needed for the life of me. It will come with time; hang in there!

Regarding the window, there’s a little arrow to click on in the center at the top of the Dorico window. Alternatively check the “window” tab at the top.

window controls.gif

Or Ctrl-6 (Cmd-6 on Mac).

Have you read Dan Kreider’s excellent Beginner’s Guide for Dorico?

Just discovered and read it yesterday.
It’s really a fantastic introduction to many aspects of Dorico, with a number of great tips.
I wish I read it earlier. Many thanks Dan !!

I just noticed you’re in Grenoble… I happened to translate Dan’s work :

Feel free to share it with our fellow French Doricians, and come and apply to the Groupe des utilisateurs francophones de Dorico on Facebook !

Thanks for spotting this, and for the French translation. although English is no problem for me (35 years of immersion within English environments, pro and personal). I’ll have a look at the Facebook Dorico Group anyway,