Touchpad not scrolling Horizontally

Hi Guys,

First off, hope everybody is having a great holiday, Any and all holidays you celebrate!

I recently upgraded to a 2tb internal NVME disc and had to reinstall EVERYTHING again. Not complaining, its a rocket now! But some small stuff changed and its a bit strange to work around like scrolling horizontally on my laptop’s touchpad. I can scroll horizontally when I scroll Vertically while pressing the shift key, but that’s just innerving to me because I respect my touchpad enough to see that’s wrong. So if anyone has an idea what the issue might be that’ll be great!

Oh and it’s the same when scrolling with Dorico also…

Found this in the User Manual, and i get how it would be relevant for Mouse users but for Laptop Touchpad users it seems like a bit of a hassle… Is there a way to reprogram it? Or should it be like a Feature Change request?