Track hears midi even when no selected

I have CS-80 synth armed on a track.
I have Maschine 3 on another track that is NOT selected
When I select CS-80, I can still hear Maschine 3 if I tap the drum pads on that controller. I want to have the pads disabled from producing sound when I am selected away from Maschine

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I have zero experience with Maschine, however, you can set it to MIDI Mode whenever you want to be out of Maschine and turn it to a MIDI controller. This is done by Shift+(Channel/MIDI or Control). Then, in order for the pads to actually do nothing in your currently selected track you can follow @Nico5 's instruction about getting it out of the “All MIDI Inputs”.

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Nico5 , thank or jumping in and helping. That did not change the result. I can still hear Maschine pads when selected on CS-80 even though the track is de-selected and record is not enabled.

Then I misunderstood your original post, and you should follow the advice of @m.c

I guess I can just physically turn of the Maschine mk3 hardware