Track randomly deselected

I’ve noticed that if I select a track, after some time it get deselected. I’m sure it’s something that has to do with my Komplete Kontrol M32, as this doesnt happen when it is disconnected.
This happens regardless of whether I am doing something on the track or if I am AFK.


I guess that you are using the original DAW integration by NI. In this case, if I recall correctly, when we move a knob (which is assigned to the volume/pan of a track), this track gets selected. Now, if for whatever reason (I did have this issue in the past with one of my M32s) the knob is even slightly changed without action from us, you’ll get the effect you described. I did have this problem occasionally with other controllers as well, not just the M32. You may want to try un-checking the “Enable Auto Select” option in NI M32 settings (Studio→Studio Setup→M32 or whatever is the current name, I can’t remember).



Yes, it may be that. Thanks!