Track Versions when importing tracks

A few times a week I use the Import tracks from project feature. With the new version of Nuendo, it has started importing track versions when I run this feature. It does this even though I have the Events and parts deselected.

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If you import the data to any already existing track, where are some data already, Nuendo created a new Track Version to make sure, you can access the original data later, if you need to.

That’s not what’s happening here. There is no pre-existing track. In the import options, I do not have the check box selected to import the events and parts, but it is pulling them in anyway.

It just started doing this with the last update to Nuendo 13.


Could you attract a screenshot of your Import window set up, please?

Here is the screen capture you requested. Sorry it took me so long.

Thank you.

Hello there!
Same here with Cubase Pro 13, it’s clearly a bug : if I had not switched the versions of the imported tracks, I would not have seen that events / files were imported! Even with Events / Parts deselected in the dialog above, as rjkunc.
If you do so then you get rid of unused files in a project like this one then you gonna delete files in the other project’s Audio folder, from which the files were imported…
Big issue!

I did reach out to support on this issue. They wrote back yesterday.

Thanks for your patience as we investigated this issue. We have flagged this issue as a bug and are actively working to get it resolved. As stated in the previous email, when bugs are reported, it is not an immediate fix. We ask for your patience as we troubleshoot and fix the issue and release it in an update. Bug fixes can take sometime to properly fix for updates, so we want to just give you a heads up to not expect an overnight fix.

Thanks for your understanding

Steinberg US Support

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Saw the new update, 13.0.50 for both Nuendo and Cubase. I was so excited to see if they fixed this problem. Downloaded and tested both—sadly—they didn’t. I import a tracks settings a lot, so it is such a pain to have to go in and delete the versions. This used to work just, I guess it’s 2 versions ago now, so well. :frowning_face:

Was hoping that this was fixed in Cubase 14…nope.