I had two tracks I recorded via Zoom r24, saved to the SD Card. I connect the Zoom to laptop, uploaded the files into Cubase14 and now I can’t access those files from the card in the Zoom to record additional tracks. Are they now missing and can I retrieve them in any way to add more tracks through the Zoom?
Sounds like you moved them instead of copying. They will be wherever you copied them to. If you’re on a PC then right click and choose copy from the drop-down menu and copy back to the sd card. Next ti e make sure you copy and not move.
I imported them from the SD into Cubase, is that basically the same as moving as opposed to copying?
No it shouldn’t be unless you chose an option in the dialogue. I do that all the time to get audio into Cubase without losing files. On import if you chose copy to project, Cubase will drop them in the audio folder of the project. You’ll find them there if you need to find them.
I see the files on the SD card when the Zoom is connected to the laptop but they’re still not playing on the Zoom. The display function shows the name of the folder but no sound. The timer is going as though it’s playing.
I appreciate the help.
I must admit I have no idea why the zoom unit can’t see them unless you have changed the format. It doesn’t sound like you have though,
Correct, the format hasn’t changed. Very odd indeed. Thanks for helping out, appreciate it.