Is there any way to move a project with Groove Agent to a different machine WITHOUT losing the samples?
Even if every sample is in exactly the same location on both machines, I cannot get a project with Groove Agent to load up on both machines. Worse yet, it doesn’t tell you it can’t find the samples and if you save the file on the second machine it just saves an empty Groove Agent. There’s no way to figure out what was where.
Is there some trick to get Groove Agent to open with samples on a different machine?
There is option in GA when you saving preset to collect samples, I would try to collect those into the project folder and see if that works. Personally I didn’t encounter on this problem(if I remember) since I store all samples with same path in D:/ across both of my systems (I assume you are still on windows recalling from your informative yt videos)
I was heavy GA SE user years back because similar to this and several other inconsistencies I transitioned to Atlas 2 when it’s came out and I find it much more faster and ergonomic (I barely use AI feature) and never looked back. Atlas by default store samples into the project itself so even if you lose samples it is stored into the project file. And when I open old projects with GA I feel a bit clanky.
I started using GA a few months ago and discovered this issue. It’s a major headache.
Saving as a preset does seem to work but then you have to copy the preset to the other machine. That’s a hassle I don’t have to deal with using any other VST. So there’s tons of precedent indicating the hassle is not necessary.
Yeah - SB’s instruments are always a bit odd. Often really cool but it always feels like they release them and then get distracted by other things and never support them.
I’m really hoping GA6 is out soon! It’s still my fav drum. program.