Change bpm value with mouse scroll (same as Cubase)
Add arrows next to bpm number to go up or down by 1 bpm
Clicking in signature displays a menu to select one of the most common signatures (3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8), double click for the current use.
Or add these functionalities to Focus control.
Hi! No argue rather curiosity.
You set everithing weeks, days before then you hit PLAY on stage, no? I guess if TAP tempo would be working while transport is PLAYing, that would solve your problem too, right?
That´s one of VL uses, in my case I use also for rehearsal, then it is useful to change tempo and signature on the fly (without having to type).
There is no problem to solve here just want to improve the workflow.
Of course that speeding up workflow would by handy in live situations too.