even if everything is fined tuned, in transport menu, preferences, and keyboard prefs, space bar (start/stop) don’t work correctly !
hitting it leads to back to zero or to begin of the event, depending of where i am, container editor or audio editor, making it impossible to work on a zoomed point…
selecting another container while editing leads to cursor back to begin of the container…
selecting an event in container editor leads to cursor goes at the begin of the event…
and so on
working becomes a pain…
I guess there is something wrong. Or at least, you have wrong expectations.
Edit Mode?
“Return to Start Position on Stop” is not by any chance activated since you specifically mention start/stop?
You can find it under key commands/transport.
Yes there’s something wrong, and i don’t expect more than work as usualy…
Man, i work with cubase since 1990, so i know noone is perfect and everyone can make mistakes but there, it’s not the case…
I really found a high disturbing and nerving bug…
Other symptom, the link to vsti’s below the tracks of mix console has disapear…
Now, i wonder if it’s not caused by the two ample sound guitar plugins i’m using in this project…
No other plug’s, less than twenty audio track’s, only three actives…
I say it again, i found a bug, for sure…
I had an intermediary mix to deliver today and it’s been a pain…
Tomorrow i will investigate in others projects but from my experience it surely comes from the plug’s…
And please, don’t suppose again that’s always the fault of the user or at least refer to his profile first…
A last thing, i never come to complain here whithout have passed a few hours or days trying to find a solution by myself…
I know you both tried to help but it didn’t…
Thanks anyway…
Relax, no insult intended. As you said, we were just trying to help.
Even though I consider myself an experienced user, too - there will always be blind spots which I happily acknowlegde. Sometimes, the solution is right in front of me and I don’t see it. Again, I can live with that.
Just out of curiousity: What exactly is it that we could have drawn from your profile?
Please, don’t say it’s the dimpled foam which is all over your walls…
@Reco29 Lol
My age, my config, that noone have for fun…
Sorry for having been a bit abrupt…
As has been asked – is Video follows Editing mode (transport menu) activated? That is exactly what you describe
I know but it’s not the case…
The case is hard to describe (english is not my mother language) and it causes multiple disapointment.
Other exemple : i place cursor where i want to edit first, and opening editor leads to cursor jump out of sight at the beginning of the event or at the begin of the song, depending of if i’m in project window tryng to open container editor or if i’m in container editor trying to open audio editor…
Same getting out of editors…
I never had that before…
I just have implemented my profile with “veteran user”,
Because i somewhere think you where a bit right…
And guys, be sure that if I am the problem, i’ll be back to recognize it
If I find the solution/cause, i’ll be back too…
If you really need to trouble shoot the issue, start with a new profile.
That disables your settings without deleting them.
It is possible that your preferences get corrupted.
Make sure that you save your current settings to a profile, before you create a new one.