Transpose on the touchosc o similar?

hi, since I play in a band I would like to use vst live only to play live with the plugins and I have difficulty using the transpose in global mode, because my keyboard does not have the keys to transpose and therefore I would like to use the touchosh software on an android screen and view the transpose and see in which key I’m coming out with the midi out how can I do it?

… you would like to view the “Layer : Global Transpose” setting on your external Android app? Is that what you want? That’s not possible. Maybe I misunderstood your wish.


thank you for answering me, my wish and I think also for other users is that there is present, as in other software of the same type, not to mention names, the possibility of globally controlling the performer’s midi keyboard visible on the screen of the (transpose) and also (octave) and that it is possible to associate with midi actions and shortcuts in order to change keys if you do not have a master keyboard with controls. I hope I have explained myself, thanks.

Layer transpose and octave can be automated via Actions and Shortcuts.
We take you are aware of “Edit/Preferences/Layers/Global Layer Transpose”?
There is no action assigned to that, but we are considering it soon.

thanks Musicullum, I am aware of “Edit/Preferences/Layers/Global Layer Transpose” and that is what I ask for, that some action be assigned and also that the transposition is displayed below in the bar with the -1 0 +1 keys would be useful . Thank you

We have already started, but it hasn’t made it to todays version, sorry.

coming with the new version: GLobal Layer octave up/down and transpose up/down

Thanks for introducing (GLobal Layer octave up/down and transpose up/down) it would be wonderful if you could see transposition and octave as in this example in this creation of mine, I hope I have explained myself.

It does not belong to the transport bar as it is not global, but applies to Layers. So we’ll add controls in the Layers view.

yes, I meant in the levels but that they are visible thanks

I would like to know when the quantity display will be available
of transposing the layers somewhere on the screen.

for me it is essential that it is visible, I have made many requests but it has not arrived yet, is there any hope that it will be there? Otherwise I change the software

That’s a bit harsh, we implemented your wish immediately and have loads of other users with other wishes on the list. You said you need a remote control for that and you’ve got it pretty much right away.
Display coming with the next version.

Thanks Musicullum, I apologize to all of you, I imagine the stress and work you are carrying out to resolve all user requests, but unfortunately the function I am looking for is important to me, excellent news of the arrival of the display in the next version. I respect you and await you.