Transposing and better integration of Polyphonic Aftertouch

Hi there!

Polyphonic aftertouch is everywhere nowadays, but transposing (or editing in general) it is kind of a nightmare and it is not properly integrated into Cubase.
It is obviously not a simple note on/off midi message, but it’s not rocket sience either.

I would love to see Cubase handling Poly AT better, not only in the midi editor (where you need to select the note to actually see if there is any AT and moving the note’s pitch does not carry the PolyAT even when select events under is enabled), but also in other transpose areas like the project window.

Hello everybody,

This annoying bug in Cubase has been around in Cubase for at least 17 years, as I faced this issue in 2008 forthe first time.
My solution is to not use Steinberg’s transpose function (they obviously never tested this and they failed to implement the suggested solutions), but my own transformer function.
I set the “Event Target Filter” to the OR-equation of both types:

  • notes
  • poly pressure
    The Event TRANSFORM Action is set to modify the Subtype (= corresponding note pitch) by ADDING the desired transposition to parameter 1 (= note number).
    This also solves the problem when playing in realtime as note on/off events and poly-aftertouch values get the same transposition all the time, using a single parameter.

Enjoy your transposing!