Transposing instrument pitch change

Hi, I need to find the point where I can change the key of the instruments in Italian.
Currently, even if you choose an instrument in the key of G major, G.
Where do I find the point where I can change from G to Sol independently?

Do you mean you want to see the transpositions in this layout? By default, full score layouts are in concert pitch but you can make them transposed pitch instead.

(If you want to ask your question in Italian rather than English, please feel free! Users here can use a translation tool but there are also some native Italian speakers here, I believe.)

Grazie, ma il problema è che non riesco a cambiare la sillaba G in Sol.
Anche entrando in questa configurazione, non c’è modo di cambiare la sillaba.
Come posso fare?

You can do this manually by entering “Corno in Sol” for the full name (and change the abbreviated name as well if you want) and setting the option at the bottom “Visualizza le trasposizioni” to “Mai” (“Never”) so that the names shown are only what you enter into the dialog, without Dorico adding the transposition automatically.

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Provo immediatamente…

Grazie moltissime…
E’ stato risolutivo…

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Mi pare che sia una cosa possibile di fare automaticamente nella prossima versione (4). Speriamo…