Treat Sends As channel strip for allowing manipulation of send signal

Hi, I would love to be able to treat the send signal independently of the actual channel (as an option of course).

Example scenario: I have a certain main reverb for a song, but when sending the kick drum to that, it gets all boomy in the reverb. If I could cut out the lows from just the send it would solve the problem whiteout having to create a duplicate kick channel that I eq and then send to the reverb channel only…

There are tons of usages for this that I can think of. Phase manipulation, parallel processing and more.

The implementation variations should maybe be, in addition to the current: pre channel (straight from the event) and post channel (with the actual channel processing included before reaching the sends´ channel strip.

Best regards, Claes Björklund


You don’t have to create a duplicate track. You can Send the Drum to a Group, where you will set the EQ and then Send this Group into the Reverb via Send.

So the Group channel is your “Strip” but with all the Insert/Strip/Sends possibilities.

You can set the Channel EQ on your FX Track to be pre inserts and cut the low end out that way. Alternatively you could insert an EQ plugin before the reverb.

Naturally, that’s what I do now, and sometimes I duplicate the track instead, it depends on the situation. My FR comes from a conviniance point of view. If I could double-click on a send and get a channel strip popping up, I would not need any extra utility groups; faster and less convoluted. If not, at least a basic eq and polarity switch on the send would help a lot.

Absolutely, but that would affect the whole reverb signal, not just the kick-reverb in my example. I would need to make a new reverb channel then with identical settings as the master reverb but with an eq on it.

Yes, it would affect all the sends to that FX Track. In theory this might not be what you’re after, but in practice it usually works out well. At least if you’re looking to reduce boomy-ness.
Some reverbs have a pre lowcut built in as well for this purpose.