Trial version of sound

I’ve downloaded a trial version of Dorico. I downloaded all 4 components but I can get no sound. When I go to VST instruments I see …

01 - !!Halion Sonic SE!!

If I click on the down arrow to see the other menu items the only other option is DoricoBeep. If I select this option I get some sound - as you might guess - a beeping noise.

I’ve tried downloading several times - I am sure that I have downloaded all components…

Dorico Pro 3.5.12 Application installer (438.61 MB)
Dorico Pro 3.5 10 Sounds installer (9.36 GB)
Dorico 3.5.12 Version history (4.34 MB)
Update Dorico 3.5.x to 3.5.12 (312.04 MB)

There are no other options…

I’m using a Mac…

Pleased for any help anyone can give!

Did you install the sounds, not just downloading them?


I think so…, although it looks like they’re not installed. I ran all the installers.

Tried a reboot?


I can see Halion symphonic orchestra and several others when look in Halion library manager…so I think this means they are there???

I don’t use the Halion stuff so not sure, but I think you should select something other than the Halion Sonic SE. HSSE HSO Pro perhaps


Restarted Dorico and it now works!!!

Tried restart before - goodness knowns what issue was!!!

Thanks for help!