Triangular noteheads

I need help with special kind of notation triangular noteheads, centered on the stem (like in Gould, p. 13). Is there any Dorico default setting, that do this job? When I use Edit/Notations/Notehead/Triangular options, best I can achieve looks like this:

Notehead is not centered and down arrow notehead is also disconnected from the stem.

You should be able to edit the stem attachment points for such noteheads by editing them.

Thanks for reporting the detached stems for the downwards-pointing triangular arrowheads, we’ll look into it.

For yourself: edit the two stemmed noteheads in that Large Arrow Down Noteheads set, and change their two Y-axis Stem attachment points to 0.50, rather than 1.00.

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Thank you, it helped.

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