Trick for vertically double dotted notes (Early Music transcription feature request)

Hi all!
Today I found a nice trick (I find) to create those double dotted notes, which are used in some editions of Early Music, signifying a note with 3x3 length. This is written with two dots vertically aligned.

  • create a dotted note (by using a special tuplet to get the right length)
  • in another voice create the same note again in unison
  • Notation Options > Notes check ‘one dot per notehead’
  • Engrave: set second note’s Voice Column Index to same as the first
  • hide note head and/or stem
  • if desired: switch off playback for second note
  • hide tuplet number/bracket
  • voila!

I composed a little fragment in early 15th century style to demonstrate:

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Sorry, I posted the wrong example - deleted.

Maybe this functionality could be added?
Here is an example of this style, from Apel, Notation of Polyphonic Music: