Tricks that help with Cubase

felt like sharing this…

if you walk away from your computer and come back a day later, do you find that things seem a bit off with your project? OK, well, it might be the audio driver. So you reboot, restart, and it’s fixed.

However, if whenever you walk away from your project, you just disconnect the audio driver, set it to “no driver”… I find the above problem doesn’t happen… and it gives my computer some necessary rest. There’s no ASIO activity in the meter. Works well, it seems.

What other tricks you got?


My trick is to Quit Cubase when leaving. :wink:

Btw, we have the tips-and-tricks tag, where you can find lots of Tips&Tricks.

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Worst trick ever!
My projects are just too complex for that.

Thanks for the link.