Is this a bug, or is there a way around it?
It seems like a bug, because it doesn’t happen consistently. It worked once when I selected an entire bar and not from the pick-ap note in this case, but it didn’t work again.
@Hakan_Ali_Toker I would give @jesele credit for the solution. His post was first, and answered your question. Mine simply added some explanatory detail which I thought that you, being a newcomer to Dorico, might find helpful.
Fixed. Thank you Steve! I thought the ‘solution’ button was specific to the entire post rather than the members. Now I understand, it must be a way to earn points by helping each other.
Yes – But also the Solution box makes that post appear right below the top post, so new readers can get to it faster. (Not much difference when it was the 2nd post.)
The real question is why, when filtering to select only the top or bottom note, does Dorico need to keep the tuplet selected at all?
It seems related to the equally idiotic ‘feature’ where if I select a group of triplets without also shift-clicking the 3 and then alt-click somewhere it pastes the notes as non-triplets. In what parallel universe would I want that?