I wrote a page with notation and text frames, and after finishing the first page I inserted another, empty one. When I open a notation frame in Engrave Mode, the same notes as on the first page appear. When I want to change the notes in the new frame they also change accordingly in the first frame. I tried to unlink the frames, but that did not work. How can I put up an new frame without the kink, or how can I effectively unlink the frames?
If Frames
is selected in Engrave mode there is a blue popup menu LA in the top left corner of the new music frame.
Change it to MA.
Yes, the reason for this is that if the new music frame you have drawn is assigned to a different frame chain than the first page, then Dorico will start the sequence of flows again from the start.
If you want to continue on from the previous frame, then assign the new frame to the same frame chain. Or, leave them separate, and select the specific flow(s) you want to show in your new frame manually, using the frame selectors.
Thank you @Vadian and @Lillie_Harris ! I did as suggested, and the notes in the new frame disappeared! So that worked fine! Now I encounter a new challenge - how to place a new staff into the new frame. I hoped, since it is a musc frame, it would automatically produce a new staff, but, alas, it does not.
If you want a new chunk of music, you need to add a new flow. Or, you can show blank staves in the frame (but you can’t add music to blank staves in Dorico; they’re for people to write on old-school style after the page is printed)
Normally, you don’t need to create new blank pages: just enter the music and Dorico will make as many pages as are needed.
Thing is I´m writing a little booklet with music and text, so that the music is always interrupted by text, and does not flow continually. So, I´m working with frames, and they don´t automatically produce a new page with staves on them.
Thanks, @Lillie_Harris , I´ll try that as soon as I can. (time´s up for today…)!
You can get automatic new pages when working with a layout like this – as long as your frames are coming from page templates, and are all assigned to the same music frame chain (the one that’s set up on the Default page template, which is usually MA).
The original problem seems to remain. I have created a setup with 6 players. I only need one horizontal line with all the six players in it. Underneath this one line I want a single stave, only. My idea was that I create a music frame, hoping that Dorico would supply a music stave whereon I could write. That did not happen. I fumbled around with the Music Frame Selectors but could not get thee desired result. So, maybe the question is not how I can get the frames to do what they are not meant to do, but rather if it is possible to use a page, write something on it and then switch to another frame, or device, or whatever, to write something entirely different. In short. After having created that setup, is it possible to write something new, on a different, single stave, that functions independently from the previous staves?
I cannot visualise this. Could you post a sketch?
Music in Dorico doesn’t come from frames: those are simply used to display the music that exists.
Music exists as flows, which you can add in Setup mode.
In your case, you could have one flow that contains all 6 players, followed by another separate flow that only contains one player?
It looks like you’re doing an awful lot of manual work setting up those staff labels, when you could instead edit the corresponding instrument names:
And show staff labels:
You can also change the formatting of staff label fonts, eg to make them larger and bold by default. But you can then customize instrument names as described above, eg to put some of the label on a separate line, or make some words bold and others plain.
What do you want to see in the “single stave beneath”?
I want to write the notes of the guitar in succession and label them as they are connected to the strings. So, it would involve, again, some notation and some graphics and writing.
If the guitar is part of the same flow (same bars, could be played at the same time as the strings and form one piece of music), then just add a guitar to that flow!
If you don’t want the guitar to be joined by the systemic barline, you can use separate frames to show the strings in the top frame, and the guitar in the bottom frame.
Yes, thank you, @Lillie_Harris . This may be another solution to labeling the staves as guitar strings , but the main question was actually different.
Yes, exactly that was my idea - to open a new frame and then get a staff in it. It needs to be independent of the previous one, though. This is not a piece of music but a layout to show how the notes repeat themselves on the guitar the higher up you go, just to give a systematic of the positions. Well, I then opened the new frame, and either got the same stave as before, or none at all after tweaking the Music Frame Selectors. - Problem remains…
The problem remains because of what I explained in my earlier reply here: frames don’t create music. Flows create music.
You can either add the guitar to the existing flow, or create a new flow.
You’ll probably find that using flows rather than manually drawing frames for everything (including staff labels, which I really would not recommend) is a lot easier and quicker.