Trying to download Novel Piano and HALion, E_mail never arrived, how to get a resend?

Dear Anyone.

Wanted to download legit. free Novel Piano. Didn’t have HALion either, so as I’m a registered customer I filled in my details on the form and it said an E_mail would appear in my IN_box or spam bucket.

Been checking both for the last few days, nothing’s showed up! How do I get a resend? Tried going back to where the original form WAS, but it’s so confident I’ve got it, it just sticks me on the ‘check your IN-box or spam folder’ page and won’t give me the original form back to re-fill!

Anyone got any ideas? I’d love to have the free HALion and Nouvel Piano, but I can’t get past the system to get it!

Yours hopefully


Do you have Halion Sonic SE? You can download the Novel piano from download assistant. It doesn’t require activation code so you can simply download and install it.

I didn’t get any email sent to me either when I followed the links in the promotional email.

Dear Misohoza.

No I don’t have Halion Sonic anything! I was trying to download it so I could download Nouvel Piano to go with it. Never got any E_mail for either of them. I thought both links would come in the same E_mail, seemed logical, but never got any E_mails.

Yours hopefully


You can download HALion Sonic SE free here

You can download Novel Piano directly from Sonic Atoms
Novel Piano