Trying to find a setting.

Hello all

I am trying to find a setting that came up when I first installed Elements 9.5.

It said something like make new sample when I cut a long one. What I assume it does is when you have a long sample and cut say four bars out, it makes a new sample of those four bars so you can delete the original long sample. I have a friend that just goes on and on and we use only 4-8 bars of it and don’t need the rest. Me, being a bassist, can’t count to more than 8.

Some of these samples can be very large and I usually carry the songs on a USB drive so space is at a premium.

Could someone please help me to find this option again.


“Bounce selection”

Ok thanks, I’m a bit new to all of this.

Is there a way to do it automatically? I’ve looked through the preferences and can’t find anything on it.

You can assign it to a key command.