I’m looking for a good way to get larger noteheads on some notes. I do this to show how the melody weaves between parts.
I tried clicking on a note while in Write mode and going into the bottom panel and increasing the custom scale. That also increased the length of the stem and flag. I suspect it may also increase the size of an accidental before the note, though I don’t have any accidentals in this piece to demonstrate. Though this is far from ideal I suppose it could work.
I tried Notehead Sets. I chose the default set (which I found isn’t the default) and increased the size of the solid black head. Then I chose that enlarged notehead for two adjacent notes that had stems in opposite directions. Downstem looks about how I want it. Upstem doesn’t – the stem is more towards the middle of the head rather than at the right edge.
A picture would help.
The bottom staff shows the two noteheads enlarged through notehead sets. The top staff shows a note enlarged through the custom scale with the same note in the next measure not enlarged.
Did I use these methods as intended? Is there a way to make the notehead sets work? Is there a different method I should use instead?
Thanks for all the help