This worked. But not as expected. I think in this case the instructions you linked to assume I’m in the process of entering the notes and the notes are already there. I click in a measure of downstem notes and type V and it shifts the notes to upstem. Thankfully it also adds a downstem rest. I can type V again to swap them, which gives me what I want. Thank you.
I have a measure where typing V twice didn’t work. The original measure (red is downstem):
After typing “v” the first time:
I type “v” the second time and I’m back where I started.
If you want to share your project, I or someone else would be able to take a closer look and see what exactly is going on – it’s hard to determine all the details from screenshots alone.
How do I go about sharing?
You can upload a Dorico project
or dragging a project file onto the message.
Thanks for considering taking a look.
This project was created in Finale and brought into Dorico through XML. That’s a likely source of irregularities. The piece is for handbell quintet, in which five ringers pick up the bells as needed to play them.
Problem areas:
Measure 30 trying to beam the two bass eights together.
Measure 85, where I need to put in an upstem rest.
And things that are probably outside the scope of this thread and I haven’t spend much time working out on my own.
How do I assign different sounds to the staves? I would like to get rid of the tinkly sound in staff one.
All the “LV” and “R” are for an effect similar to the sustain pedal. Someone proposed a solution I haven’t had time to consider yet.
Shepherd.dorico (949.8 KB)
Question. Why do you have 3 players each holding bells and a piano? Can I just ditch the pianos?
That’s one of the artifacts of the XML transfer. There are five people playing bells, two on staff 1, one on staff 2, and two on staff 3, and no pianos. Somewhere between Finale-XML-Dorico staves 2-3 got assigned a piano sound when it should be a handbell sound.
At the moment I don’t like the Dorico handbell sound (or whatever is being used for staff 1) and for the purposes of composition at the moment I would prefer piano. But handbell people will be performing them.