Trying to pay for upgrade from 13 pro to 14 pro

Today I wanted to upgrade from 13 pro to 14 pro (used 14 trial for 2 months) but on the Steinberg site after filling in all necessities it shows “Please checkout with a PayPal account from the Ukraine.” and this cannot be changed (!)
I’m a Dutchman, recently living in Portugal and I used to pay for years and years with Paypal, but now this looks suspicious; am I right?
I wrote a ticket to Steinberg support about this too, but hoping to get a sooner answer here

Thanks in advance,

Indeed, this sounds fishy.
Have you tried another browser or even better another device?

Yes, tried another another browser; gonna try it on my Macbook as well, but I guess there it’ll be the same…

Tried to let it work on my laptop; there it’s the same: Ukraine… ;-(

If you want an immediate response from Steinberg I suggest reaching out to support via telephone.
Not sure though, if Steinberg is the right adress since Fastspring handles all sales issues. Might be better to contact them first!

Thanks; that’s a good tip :wink:
I’m going to call/write them…


Double-check a usage of any VPN.

Thanks, but I’m not sure I understand well; I don’t use a VPN, maybe I should…

I contacted Steinberg, who directed me to the billing company (Fastspring)
I contacted Fastbring too; please choose another paying method (!)
But all the paying methods on de Steinberg site give me this Ukraine flag (!)
So I cannot upgrade at this moment ;-(
What can I do?

There were other threads just recently with similar problems. It seems as if there is no general solution to this problem because sometimes payment methods are blocked for no apparent reason. These issues have to be sorted out on a case by case basis with FastSpring (Steinberg provided useful information as well so it is reported).
Another idea: can’t you ask a friend to do the transaction for you with his/her Paypal account? It does not matter who pays - you will receive a code and whoever uses it in relation to his/her Steinberg account will be the owner of the upgraded license.
Just a thought if you want to take a short cut.

Thanks Reco! (I’m glad, I’m not the only one, but couldn’t find any other threads about this: gonna search again…)
I replied to Fastspring that all the paying options are flagged with Ukraine…
Now 2 days ago, with no answer ;-(
I probably could ask for help with a friend, but not an option, since I want this to be solved by Steinberg or Fastspring
It’s a bummer, since I already made songs with the newer things on 14 and I would like to go on with it!

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